Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mr. G

This picture from Ghanim
This picture from Ghanim
          Mr. G is not an agent in the American movie or something else. No, he is a real boy or let say a real super boy. His real name is Ghanim Muhammed Al-Muftah. He's from Qatar the Arabic country in Arabic Gulf. He was born on May 5, 2002, and now he's 13 years old. How I can talk about this smart young man. He has a unique medical condition called, "Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS)". This means his legs won't continue with his life because it won't grow with him. In another word, it's similar like dead legs. As a result, he has decided to cut them and lives his life without of them. If you think this is bad for him, I'll tell you this is wrong. This decision made his life with big challenge front all people around the world as a disability boy. As you can see in the picture how he has a lovely smile and I believe very strongly this is the smart secret to tolerating his life. His challenge with people is about letting them accept him as his body now as human, not as a monster or something weird or strange who walks on his hand on a street or on a sidewalk. By the way, you can follow him in his Instagram account "g_almuftah" and also he has the same name on Snapchat. I'm sorry if you can't speak or understand Arabic, but just see how he lives his life every day. I picture it as someone who breaks ice every day. His challenge continues with him for every place he went such as his school or when he goes to a mall, shopping center, or any another place. He gives to people a positive power to tell them there is no impossible in my life. Nowadays, he has been the number one inside heart most of his followers in his Instagram account. They pray and worship for him for every picture or video that he posts in his account.

         On the another side, Mr. G has a smart brother and his name is Ahmed like my name. Actually Ahmed is Ghanim's twin. Ahmed is such I prefer to call him "Unknown soldier" behind his brother Mr. G. HHHHH it's strange to call him Mr. G, it's because hard for me to write his name. Anyway, let's get back to Mr. Ahmed. Ahmed stands up next to his brother to support and help him in sometime. Even though Ghanim needs to depend on himself, he needs some bits of help from Ahmed for anything that Ghanim can't do it by himself alone. I forget something about Ahmed and it's very important. He's a full human body with no problem with his legs like his brother. Ahmed loves technology, and he's very crazy with anything electronic shush as smartphone, tablet, or computer. Also, you can follow him on his account in Instagram "Ahmed".

This picture from Ahmed
          Finally, my idea about both of them is something unbelievable. Ghanim and Ahmed are such as a big gift from my God or Allah. I'm very glad, proud, and happy to have like these superheroes. Even though Ghanim is a celebrity, his heart always closes to his followers and I'm one of them. One day when he was in Germany for his hospital appointments, I received a phone call from him to thank me for all support and comment that I'm very careful to write it for him on every post that he makes it on his Instagram account. For me it wasn't such a phone call, it was like a dream to receive this very expensive call. I have a plan now to visit him in his home in Qatar and take a short tour around Doha the capital of this country. Now after you read this article do you think Ghanim and Ahmed make their life alone? The answer is No. Because there is a big heart behind this brave story. It's their family and especially their mother who provided her sons front all the world especially the media. Ghanim and Ahmed's mother and father have fought against anything that could bother these heroes.

In the last thing, you can see him talking about himself and listen to his voice. My Incredible Story by Ghanim al Muftah  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This picture from Todd Research
               Education is the simple right on this Earth for every person who lives, eat, and drink at any spot on this global. Any person can write or talk about education from many different views or perspectives, but my dear reader you'll find in this article three benefits of education as my view. Before we start, let see what Nelson Mandela had said about education, he said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you use to change the world". Actually he was right about the relationship between education and power, and you'll see how this relationship is very strong. Therefore, education has three benefits to having a good and strong weapon: Candle, Brain or Mental, and Perspective. It's strange for you these three points, but let's start to understand each point very clearly.

This picture from Christian Clipart
               Imagine that education as a candle what do you think it represents? It represents your knowledge, your information, and your life experience. If you take this candle as your weapon, you'll fight against darkness like you inside a cave with very old information that has passed more decades. This candle will be your hands to change your world first then people around you. You'll take yourself outside this cave, and it depends on you, as much as you learn as much as you can change. Also, this candle will help you to open your eyes to a new world, a new space, and a new life. You can take a new adventure with your candle to learn more about other lives around you. If you don't have this candle, you'll lose your way, This candle gives you the ability to travel and lend on any another nation though it was far far away. For example, if you learn something about Europe culture, you can see how the differences between your culture and Europe culture is. As you can see how this candle is small in shape, but it's big and deep in meaning. It has another life that you've not ever seen before. In addition, this candle will be your light to see and understand how everything around you works. It's like a big story begin from nothing, no knowledge and keep moving until you can control anything you want as much you reach in your knowledge. Obviously, no one in this world can control everything, but it's different as a level. Some people have a high education and some other have just finished the elementary school. It's not just for school, but also in our life. Some people have the basic knowledge such as fix a car, table or whatever, but some other have a high knowledge, so they can  innovate or create a new thing. The last thing, this candle can burn you ignorance, and makes you as an urban human. Candle offers you some pieces of advice to transfer yourself from traditional behaviors as some old people did to a modern lifestyle. You can break some old rules that don't exist in the present time with this candle because you refresh your brain and mental to a new information and allow yourself to change. For instance, you'll not imitate the whole behavior from your father or grandfather, you can create your own thoughtful world in your deep heart, emotion and every part of your body. It's your chance to be a special person in your society. In summary, the candle is one of your tools which you can stand on it and discover a second life for you. Actually you can receive a huge new information by this candle or education. You'll pass all old lifestyle if you learn more and more, then you'll be in a special spot in your society.

This picture from Cardrunners
                The brain is the second benefit which you can get it from education. If you know or you've not known before that human brain as a rubber which means the ability to expand or shrink many different times. You can expand your brain with education by letting your brain receive a new information every day, and you have many different sources for this information such as books magazines, newspapers, or any another source of information. If you read one of these sources every day or every week, your knowledge will increase, and your brain bank of information will increase as much as you read. For example, your brain now in your present time doesn't be like your brain when you were a kid because you've received a lot of information during your life. Also, education can strengthen your mental and capacity for quick understand. Your brain will get the ability to quick understand day by day if you still continue studying or learning during your life. However, if you stop for a period of time from studying, your brain will shrink and decrease the ability to understand. This is a good chance for you to be a smart person. You can get the point from any subject that you discuss with any another person depends on your background of information. As a result, start from now and get this chance for you to build your background and you'll stand on very strong land. Moreover, education will let you divide your memory to many different parts, so you'll have like a big library inside your head. You can organize these pieces of information if you train your memory to put each piece of information in the right place in your head. Education will give you this chance to do that if you continue studying every time. For example, if you read today about a historic person, you'll memorize him or her in the historic division, but if you read about economic news, you'll remember it in business part. This method will let you contain a huge information in short time, so you'll be ready to answer any question that any person would ask you, and you'll have a great chance to explain it too. The last thing, If you let books be one of your best friends, you will create a lot of character in your head. This is another chance to see your life by another eye. Books are the pivot of education, and reading is a backbone of it. It's not like listening to someone who reads a book, or explain what inside this book. You should push yourself and take any book that you interest, and start to read whatever it takes time. You'll get all of the previous benefits from education that related to the brain if you read. In final, education and brain are two faces of one currency. As much as you learn as much as you expand your brain and receive a new information that you've not listened or known before. Also, you'll push your mental to catch the point from any subject that you talk about and your memory will organize quickly to give you a quick respond. If you care about your education, you'll care about your brain.

This picture from Celery

                The last benefit that you, my dear reader, can get it from education is perspective. Your respect toward other peoples' idea will increase if you continue learning during your life. Day after day your understanding for other peoples' idea will be bigger than before because every day you see something different from previous day. For example, imagine yourself like a balloon and the air inside this balloon is your knowledge that you receive it every day, as much you blow inside this balloon as much it'll be big and big. As a result, there is a strong relationship between education and perspective. However, keep in your mind you'll receive a big information from the school of life, not from regular school. In the school of life, you'll learn your perspective from your experience, your touch with other people. Indeed, education will give you a real perspective of human life around you. as I said in this article "Strange Behavior " you need to be yourself not other people and to be like this you've to learn and understand the life around you. You should know how people act, talk, and the important thing how they think toward anything front of them. If you learn how to be yourself, you'll create your special perspective. This point you'll take it if you learn or study. It doesn't come from nothing. You should teach yourself how other people think, and how you look to the same subject that they look to but from your eyes. Education has this incentive, and as much you put yourself in a real test, as much you'll learn and understand more. In addition, you can speak with deep logic if you reach a high level of knowledge. Actually, you'll believe by yourself that if you have a big inventory of knowledge, you'll directly have a strong tongue. It's a dramatic story that logic and education walk in parallel way or road. If you reach as you can in education level, your logic will be in the same level. It means if you stay in the ground, you can't talk with public people and you'll be alone in your home. a strong logic means a strong perspective, so you can see all of the ideas here connect with education. If you've your strong logic, you'll have your ground that you can stand on it without fear. In the last thing, you'll reserve your part in your society, as your level of your knowledge. You can tell the world or people around you that I'm here, I create myself by my education. You'll have your voice to speak aloud without fear or shame from yourself. This is very important for your perspective that you should prove yourself in your society. People will not listen to you if you don't have your voice or your special character that you can speak through it. This another chance from education to stand up between people and tell him about yourself from your part.

                In conclusion, Education is a big word and people can look to this word from many different ways. You read in this article how education benefits you. You understood how education could be as a candle. Also, you learned how education is more powerful for your brain. In the last point, you saw how you could build your perspective by education. I believe in the end, these are the strong benefit of education and maybe you'll not find more strong than these points.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


This picture from OSEB
               Success is a wonderful word that each person who has a big dream will aspire to achieve it. If anyone would like to think about success, let's see what Henry Ford said, he said: "Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success". As a result, my dear reader you can see, there is three principle majors or factors for success and you can divide it by another word to plan, team, and goal.

This picture from Business News Daily
              The first major is "Plan". Honestly, there is no one has been successful without a plan. The plan is a map or road direction to lead you to the final destination of your idea. In each level of your life, you should put a plan for the next level. For example, if you're a student in high school and you'll graduate soon, you should start thinking about what you want next. You want to continue to the university or find a job or make your journey around the world, or either get married. As one day when I was in the university, my professor told students in the lecture "Plan and controlling walk together side by side as twins and implementation is the small son who walks in the middle between of them". Therefore, you can understand clearly that plan not only thing that you need to succeed.You should control your plan and match between what you achieve in reality and what you put in your plan. As a tip from me to you, if you have a scale to evaluate your plan from 0 to 10, you should make sure that the differences aren't more than 3 to 5. Also, you should think for far far away such as 30 years ahead or more. It's not necessary you put a plan only for far distance, you can put also a short plan for just one year. In addition, you should have many different alternatives for your short or long plan because in real life everything around you changes quickly and you can't control this changing. In short, if you have a good and serious plan you'll succeed and you can rich your goal with short, easy, and safe way.

This picture from Birmingham Consulting
               The second major is "Team". After you've your plan, you should start thinking about your team to implement your plan in reality. I've written an article before, you can check her "Chance" and I talked about how is very important two things 1- another hand 2- sharing. If you want my dear reader to make your plan wonderful and successful, you should find the right people who understand you and understand what exactly you want. Even though you have a personal plan on your privet life, you have to find your team, your people who can listen to you clearly and the important thing here is believing you, and believe what you want to rich or your final destination. You need a team in your journey because you can't stand alone with one leg or as I said in my previous article "Chance", you can't clap with one hand only. Everything around us is a -pair- or two things. I've read a book called "Dreams From My Father" for Mr. President Barak Obama, and I found, for example, the impact of his successful in his life either personal or public life with his team. He had a great team who helped him when he was a community organizer in Chicago in the United State of America. In another word, if you think to build a small home for you, you have to put four foundations in four corners to stand your home and make it very strong. The same idea with success, you have three corner plan, team, and goal and you the fourth corner because you have the key to performing other corners. In final, the team is an important major after plan, you can't implement your plan alone. You'll get your point from your plan if you find the real people who'll help you on your journey.

This picture from Forbes
               The last major is "Goal". This is your final destination after you put a plan and implement it in reality. In this major you'll be so happy because you finish a long term adventure. However, you have to put this point in your plan from begging and not just one level, No you should put many different levels from low to high level. For instance, you can put finding job as medium level, but you can put graduate from college as a high-level goal if you're studying in college. In simple word, it's the concept of priority. Find your position right now first, then decide which target or goal you need it to be your high-level goal. In this concept, it'll be different from person to person, but the common factor is "Put Your Goal". It's impossible to find any successful plan without a clear and serious goal or target. However, you've to caution that goal isn't the end of the world. If you achieve one goal today, quickly think about another goal and put a plan and start again to implement this plan. In addition, you should have a clear perspective on all things that possibly will come against your goal. It's important to put many different ways to change your road if you face any problem or trouble during your journey to success. No one in this world knows what will happen tomorrow, but they make themselves ready for all possible challenges that they should pass and put it behind them. In short, you'll never start without end. Everything around us as people who live on this simple Earth has an end whenever will happen, it'll happen. Your life without a goal -I'm sorry for this word- is like an animal.

               In conclusion, you can be a great person in this life, and you can put your finger to change this world to the right side. To do this changing, you should start from now and put your plan, then think about how you'll build your team to support you and stand next to you, then in the final go to your journey with the strong heart and strong believing that you can do it. You can change the world. Just do it.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Blanket With the King of Castle

This picture from History Trips
One upon day, in far far away land, there was a big kingdom with around 150,000 people. A human king whose name Dark leaded this kingdom, and he has a wonderful family. He has a beautiful young daughter, whose name Julie and she was a pillow. His wife also whose name Jail was a bed. The kingdom was safety and peace place. All people were working in farms, and the major project was pumpkin. One of these farmers whose name Maximilian had been leaving in this kingdom since he was born. Max -the short name from Maximilian- was leaving with poor family. Though his father was educated, he goes to his small farm to grow the pumpkin every day, the only job that he has. On the other hand his mother wasn't educated, and she was a housewife. Max was a blanket, and was the strongest man in this kingdom. However Max had a big trouble with one person who lives in this kingdom since he knew him when they were in the school. This person's name is Carl, and he was a chair. Carl had been living with the riches family. His father wasn't educated, and he has a super big farm. Carl's mother also was a housewife. Both of them -Max and Carl- were around 25 years old. The big problem between of them because Max was humble, and he loves the best thing for all people, but Carl was arrogant and he wish the bad thing for all people.

One day the king felt he's going to die one day soon, so he wanted to marry the only girl that he has to a better person in the kingdom. As a result he put an advertisement around the entire kingdom with three conditions to get the strongest, best, and a beautiful person who deserves to marry Julie. The first condition was about getting the wedding dress. The wedding dress that the king needs was in the most dangers upper mountain around the world, and who wants to get this dress; he/she needs to fight twenty-five dangers dragons with hundred and fifty heads. The second condition was about getting the wedding necklace. The necklace was inside the dark and deep ocean, and who want to get this necklace; he/she needs to fight with the God of the oceans and kill him in the end. The las condition was about fighting between the entire competitors to know who the winner between all of them is.

When Max was walking at Downtown of the kingdom, he saw the advertisement; then he decided to go to castle and talk with the king. On the other hand, Carl's father knew about this advertisement; then he ordered his son to do this mission. Max decided to do this mission because he had fallen in love with Julie. She has a baby face and unique body shape. However, Carl's father needed from his son getting the place of the king, after he dies. Suddenly, Max and Carl met in the front door of the castle at the same time. Carl said, "hhhhhhh do you think you can do this mission stupid valet". Max replied, "the winner who can laugh in the end". After Dark welcomed of them, they asked the king to do this mission separately, and they will do the last mission face to face front of the king and people. Generally, no one in this kingdom offered himself to do this mission completely except both of these knights Max and Carl. The king accepted both of them to do this mission. The king divided the mission between the knights, and that means Max is going to do the first mission, and Carl is going to do the second mission. After they finish each mission, they must bring both of them front of the king -dress and necklace-; then, both of them will fight until one of them kill the second one. The length of time to do all of these missions are 10 days maximum including the day when they'll fight each other in the last of this mission. Max was very excited because he'll prove himself front of the king and all of people who live in this kingdom as the strongest and bravest man.

In the next day, Max traveled to the mountain, which has the dress. He faced the first ten dragons with many heads and fought it with strong power until killed all of them; then, he faced the reminder of the dragons and they were very stronger, but he finally had killed all of the dragons except the last one because it was the king. Even though he was a blanket, he spent three days fighting until Max could kill the king of dragons with many scratches and injuries, but he was still alive with a lot of blood that cover himself. He took the dress from inside the cave, he was very carefully with dress to don't allow for blood dirt the dress. Actually it was very wonderful white dress. He came back to home and wait until the promise day.

In the another side, Carl traveled to the black ocean, He asked the God for ocean to visit him under the water in his kingdom. It was very dark, and it needed a method to travel from surface to the kingdom. It was one entrance to the kingdom by the unique cloud. It was very smart cloudy that can take the person from surface to the kingdom without any one-point water. To use this cloud, you have to ask the God of the ocean before use this transport, and that what Carl did; then, the God accepted. After he arrived to kingdom, Carl made a stupid thing. He fought the God directly without any conversation with him. That put Carl in very stupid situation because the God was very stronger. Even Carl was a chair, he spent four days only without sleep until he could kill the God and get the necklace from the storage. It was a bright necklace with sapphire, pearl, emerald, and gold. Carl was very tired, and he needed enough time to get sleep. He had many deep scratches and injuries. He also lost a lot of blood, and he was almost die man.

On promise day, Max came to castle with the dress, Carl Came also with the necklace. Carl was looking toward Max with a lot of hatred inside his heart. All of people from entire the kingdom came to watch the big epic between the strong knights. Dark had sat on the throne, and his beautiful daughter had sat on the left side from the king. His wife also had sat on the right side. Max provided the dress front of the king, and Carl made the same thing with the necklace; then Dark stood up and side, "wonderful, wonderful you are very strong though you were very tired and had many scratches and injuries. Today in the eighth day from the ten days of the mission, and we still have two days to complete this mission and know who is the winner I announce now to start the fighting between the blanket knight Maximilian and the chair knight Carl until one kill the another one"

Max got his sword, which calls red death, and Carl also got his sword, which calls black world; then, they started fighting between of them. Max was stronger than Carl because Max was smart when he had been fighting with dragons even though he spent three days to kill the dragons. However, Carl was very weak because he started to fight the God of the ocean without any plan. As a result, in the last day to finish this mission, Max managed to kill Carl after two days of fighting. All people who watched this big epic between of them were very surprised after Max killed Carl. The king stood up and side, "Congratulations son, you're the strongest knight in this kingdom, and now I'm annoying you front of all of these people as a husband for my daughter". Also he said, "Max, you deserves my daughter because you're real knight".

After three days, the kingdom was very happy because the wedding party was so beautiful. Max and Julie exchanged the kisses front of all people. After three years, Maximilian and Julie had had the first baby, but something bad is going to happen towered Max from Julie's mother Jail. She needed to kill him for reason that only she knew about it. That what we are going to know in the second story.

The End 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Sister !!!
Yeah sister why not ? Do you think it's strange word ? I don't think so
All my dreams every day is about sister.
I wish I've one sister at least.
It's the sweet thing that walks ever on this simple earth.
If I talk about my family, we're three brothers and two divorced parents.
One of my brothers has traveled outside our home to study at the university, and the another one is so busy with my mom and his school.
I'm every day alone, just talk with myself
As a result I believe if I've just one sister, she will fill this gap.
Though she married, she'll come to visit our home every weekend.
Sister is home from love toward her family I mean family with her husband and the original family I mean as brothers and parents.
Her existing is important at any family in this entire world
Any family who doesn't have one sister at least will not test happiness at all.
Sister is also the school for tolerance and patience.
She can forgive anyone hurts her.
Not like wife because wife has a strong back I'm talking about her husband
However sister has many different back and she can go to it such as her father, brother and also her mother, but she leaves all of them and choose one thing. It's her heart.
She chooses her heart because it's wide.
It can contain all of people that she loves them.
The last thing I'd like to say, if you have a sister, please care your sister because you've like a diamond in your family.
Thank you.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

It's nothing

Because I've nothing to do in this late night, I'll try to write something here that I don't know what it's exactly.
I've tried many different times in many different ways to make something new in my daily life.
Every day I've to read some accounting articles then read some books such as Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton.
By the way actually it's good book. It talks about her life when she was Secretary of state under President Barack Obama, so I advise you to read it if you wish.
After I finish this book or another book, I just look to my accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Snapchat.
I know if someone reads this thing he'll say what is going on here ?
This is very boring and I know I know but what should I do ?
All what we have as family is one car and most of the time my brother who uses this car
I was trying to go to my aunt but she's busy nowadays
I was working on small plan to prepare myself for the next semester.
I've made a list about all what I need there in U.S if I move in the next December.
Every day as my schedule I've to look to my lovely brothers in Snapchat and I can see some of them are successful guys.
They make wonderful day every day.
Ahhhh. I think this is all what I need to say it today

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Strange Behavior

Here is the wide question !!!
Why do people behave and act at the same thing ?
Why do people shear the same action while they are eating, talking, and thinking ?
For example why do people eat by right hand ? Why do they eat egg and beacon in the breakfast ?!
Let's eat rice instead in the breakfast instead of egg !!
So my idea for this post is people imitate the same behavior from other people naturally
Why ?
We have our brains and our mentals. Why we can't behave as we need not as other people do.
There is no knowledge or any concept of our behavior or action 
Always and every day we do the same thing as the other people do and that what established the stupid people whatever rich or poor people.
We have to behave as we need to do not as other
Let's try to eat by left hand, let's try to sleep on the blanket and cover ourselves by pillow, let's sit on the table instead of chair, let's talk about ghost instead of human.
As a result I hope now my idea is clear to you.
Simply try to make yourself strange with new behavior that never ever someone has done that before.
You're as you're, don't make yourself simply, always make yourself strange to have the ability of changing every day
Thank you


Long time I've not written something here 
Today I wanna talk about Chance 
If someone asks me "What would you like to say to this whole world ?" in future after I achieve my dream and get my goal in this life.
I'll say "Just give me one chance"
Yeah that's all what I want 
And that what actually I'm doing nowadays
I'm asking all universities in the U.S that I can ask them to accept me and give me one chance. Just one chance and trying me 
All universities that I'd asked them denied me because stupid standardized test but I didn't give up until now 
Yes I'll still work on this goal until I get PhD degree 
Yeah chance is very important in person life to be successful 
I believe most of successful people around me they've gotten this chance in their lives.
For example, Thomas Edison had tried 1000 times until he innovated the first electricity light in 1887, so this is big chance and big successful 
Also the concept of sharing related to chance. Do you know why ?
Because you can't clap with one hand. You can't up & down one heavy box with one hand 
Sharing and Chance are the same thing 
You can't success if you don't have chance and you can't get this chance if you don't share your ideas and your brain with someone that you trust him or her
The same thing with me I can't success in my life if I don't have any chance and I can't have this chance if the universit doesn't listen to me so I can share what I've in my brain with them.
If I say this it doesn't mean the exact university but the people the experience the ideas inside this university 
Another example Mark Zuckerberg. He hasn't succeeded because university but because students and ideas which find them inside the University 
That's it ...