Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This picture from Todd Research
               Education is the simple right on this Earth for every person who lives, eat, and drink at any spot on this global. Any person can write or talk about education from many different views or perspectives, but my dear reader you'll find in this article three benefits of education as my view. Before we start, let see what Nelson Mandela had said about education, he said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you use to change the world". Actually he was right about the relationship between education and power, and you'll see how this relationship is very strong. Therefore, education has three benefits to having a good and strong weapon: Candle, Brain or Mental, and Perspective. It's strange for you these three points, but let's start to understand each point very clearly.

This picture from Christian Clipart
               Imagine that education as a candle what do you think it represents? It represents your knowledge, your information, and your life experience. If you take this candle as your weapon, you'll fight against darkness like you inside a cave with very old information that has passed more decades. This candle will be your hands to change your world first then people around you. You'll take yourself outside this cave, and it depends on you, as much as you learn as much as you can change. Also, this candle will help you to open your eyes to a new world, a new space, and a new life. You can take a new adventure with your candle to learn more about other lives around you. If you don't have this candle, you'll lose your way, This candle gives you the ability to travel and lend on any another nation though it was far far away. For example, if you learn something about Europe culture, you can see how the differences between your culture and Europe culture is. As you can see how this candle is small in shape, but it's big and deep in meaning. It has another life that you've not ever seen before. In addition, this candle will be your light to see and understand how everything around you works. It's like a big story begin from nothing, no knowledge and keep moving until you can control anything you want as much you reach in your knowledge. Obviously, no one in this world can control everything, but it's different as a level. Some people have a high education and some other have just finished the elementary school. It's not just for school, but also in our life. Some people have the basic knowledge such as fix a car, table or whatever, but some other have a high knowledge, so they can  innovate or create a new thing. The last thing, this candle can burn you ignorance, and makes you as an urban human. Candle offers you some pieces of advice to transfer yourself from traditional behaviors as some old people did to a modern lifestyle. You can break some old rules that don't exist in the present time with this candle because you refresh your brain and mental to a new information and allow yourself to change. For instance, you'll not imitate the whole behavior from your father or grandfather, you can create your own thoughtful world in your deep heart, emotion and every part of your body. It's your chance to be a special person in your society. In summary, the candle is one of your tools which you can stand on it and discover a second life for you. Actually you can receive a huge new information by this candle or education. You'll pass all old lifestyle if you learn more and more, then you'll be in a special spot in your society.

This picture from Cardrunners
                The brain is the second benefit which you can get it from education. If you know or you've not known before that human brain as a rubber which means the ability to expand or shrink many different times. You can expand your brain with education by letting your brain receive a new information every day, and you have many different sources for this information such as books magazines, newspapers, or any another source of information. If you read one of these sources every day or every week, your knowledge will increase, and your brain bank of information will increase as much as you read. For example, your brain now in your present time doesn't be like your brain when you were a kid because you've received a lot of information during your life. Also, education can strengthen your mental and capacity for quick understand. Your brain will get the ability to quick understand day by day if you still continue studying or learning during your life. However, if you stop for a period of time from studying, your brain will shrink and decrease the ability to understand. This is a good chance for you to be a smart person. You can get the point from any subject that you discuss with any another person depends on your background of information. As a result, start from now and get this chance for you to build your background and you'll stand on very strong land. Moreover, education will let you divide your memory to many different parts, so you'll have like a big library inside your head. You can organize these pieces of information if you train your memory to put each piece of information in the right place in your head. Education will give you this chance to do that if you continue studying every time. For example, if you read today about a historic person, you'll memorize him or her in the historic division, but if you read about economic news, you'll remember it in business part. This method will let you contain a huge information in short time, so you'll be ready to answer any question that any person would ask you, and you'll have a great chance to explain it too. The last thing, If you let books be one of your best friends, you will create a lot of character in your head. This is another chance to see your life by another eye. Books are the pivot of education, and reading is a backbone of it. It's not like listening to someone who reads a book, or explain what inside this book. You should push yourself and take any book that you interest, and start to read whatever it takes time. You'll get all of the previous benefits from education that related to the brain if you read. In final, education and brain are two faces of one currency. As much as you learn as much as you expand your brain and receive a new information that you've not listened or known before. Also, you'll push your mental to catch the point from any subject that you talk about and your memory will organize quickly to give you a quick respond. If you care about your education, you'll care about your brain.

This picture from Celery

                The last benefit that you, my dear reader, can get it from education is perspective. Your respect toward other peoples' idea will increase if you continue learning during your life. Day after day your understanding for other peoples' idea will be bigger than before because every day you see something different from previous day. For example, imagine yourself like a balloon and the air inside this balloon is your knowledge that you receive it every day, as much you blow inside this balloon as much it'll be big and big. As a result, there is a strong relationship between education and perspective. However, keep in your mind you'll receive a big information from the school of life, not from regular school. In the school of life, you'll learn your perspective from your experience, your touch with other people. Indeed, education will give you a real perspective of human life around you. as I said in this article "Strange Behavior " you need to be yourself not other people and to be like this you've to learn and understand the life around you. You should know how people act, talk, and the important thing how they think toward anything front of them. If you learn how to be yourself, you'll create your special perspective. This point you'll take it if you learn or study. It doesn't come from nothing. You should teach yourself how other people think, and how you look to the same subject that they look to but from your eyes. Education has this incentive, and as much you put yourself in a real test, as much you'll learn and understand more. In addition, you can speak with deep logic if you reach a high level of knowledge. Actually, you'll believe by yourself that if you have a big inventory of knowledge, you'll directly have a strong tongue. It's a dramatic story that logic and education walk in parallel way or road. If you reach as you can in education level, your logic will be in the same level. It means if you stay in the ground, you can't talk with public people and you'll be alone in your home. a strong logic means a strong perspective, so you can see all of the ideas here connect with education. If you've your strong logic, you'll have your ground that you can stand on it without fear. In the last thing, you'll reserve your part in your society, as your level of your knowledge. You can tell the world or people around you that I'm here, I create myself by my education. You'll have your voice to speak aloud without fear or shame from yourself. This is very important for your perspective that you should prove yourself in your society. People will not listen to you if you don't have your voice or your special character that you can speak through it. This another chance from education to stand up between people and tell him about yourself from your part.

                In conclusion, Education is a big word and people can look to this word from many different ways. You read in this article how education benefits you. You understood how education could be as a candle. Also, you learned how education is more powerful for your brain. In the last point, you saw how you could build your perspective by education. I believe in the end, these are the strong benefit of education and maybe you'll not find more strong than these points.

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