Before anything I will say, there is a small explanation I want to clarify in the beginning about this blog.
In the previous days, I just found myself that I want to talk or speak more about something inside me, so I opened the Notes App on my iPhone and I wrote many different notes without a specific reason. Then I found myself today that I want to collect all these notes and smartly tied them in one blog, so let's begin from the next line.
In the beginning, I just asked myself this question, "Why I can't be a normal guy like every human being alive on this earth?"
This simple question just jumped into my mind while I was trying to sleep minutes ago.
In searching for the answer I guess as what I believe or I can see, it's because I don't want to be at the bottom of this life.
I have always wanted to be #1 in this simple life.
Unfortunately, I can't feel satisfied inside me cause I can feel by my soul that every time I see myself at the top, I need to raise more.
It's complicated but fighting in this life doesn't stop under any circumstances.
As a result of the previous point, when did someone ask me "What is your privilege in this life or in another way What is the unique thing you can do for people around you?
I may laugh a long time before I give my answer.
Simply, because I can't decide a specific thing I can do. I love to learn something new every day.
The lazy person who doesn't add something new to his/her dictionary.
For that reason, here is my advice.
"Every day you should add new knowledge to your dictionary".
In conclusion, when people look at me as a nerd guy, it isn't because something lack in me but it's because they can't do something equal to what I did.
See the level of ego I reached !!!
Always keep yourself immune against people's talk.
Do whatever you want to do and ignore everything else.